Monday, December 20, 2010

Last One

Just finish the book :)


  1. So what are you reading next? Feel free to change up groups. Eat, Pray, Love is reading Water for Elephants. Great book.

  2. Can we read Son of a Witch? Please?? Or the Wizard of Oz?

  3. I'll get you, and your little dog Toto too!

  4. I like the idea of reading Son of a Witch :)

  5. I'm gonna guess the Masked Avenger is Anthony. Just saying.

  6. Woah seriously? If it isn't Anthony I seriously wouldn't know who else it would be. Anthony just seems like the kind of person to come up with the name "The Masked Avenger"..then again the name doesn't mention Jasmine or cats...

  7. Cheyenne you have a point. It might just be Dan. Or Nick. Or Billy. Idk really. :P

  8. Nah Dan wouldn't do something like that. Or Billy, I don't think. Probably Nick haha. Idk either.

  9. Okay then my next guess is BYao. Or Derek. But Derek would mention something about 2012...or airplanes

  10. We're the boys in motion. We give you our devotion.

  11. And by the way, I'm not BYao or Derek or Dan or Billy...but I may be influenced by one of them.

  12. Hahaha is that supposed to be a hint? Lol this is soooo weird.

  13. Wow. I would guess Audrey. Because she and Billy would do this. But I doubt it.

  14. Does anyone else think "the Masked Avenger" is Kindel? ;)

  15. Not really Casey. :P lol Kindel doesn't seem like she would do that.

  16. Yeah I agree, Kindel wouldn't do that. I vote Audrey lol :)

  17. I'm not even in this Kindel's class. Quite frankly I don't know any of you too well.

  18. It's definitely be my mom. NO! just kidding haha. Can we pick a shorter book? If not, I don't really mind lol just pick something good :)

  19. Oh wait, KAtie!!!!!! I wouldn't mind reading the wizard of oz! Is it different from the movie?

  20. Do we even have time to do another book? It's January and this is the December project..unless we are doing this until exams start in a couple of weeks...

  21. Oh actually I don't even know. Besides studying, I also want to finish all the books I got from break including the 3 I borrowed from you, Chey lol

  22. How many questions did we answer for Wicked?

  23. I have no idea how many we answered, but I think we did pretty well. Lol I got 10 new books for Christmas, and I'm reading my fifth one now..I had so much down time that I was able to read 4 already :)

  24. No one has posted a real post on here yet...So, I know December is over and everything, but I thought I would just put up my final thoughts on the book. Wicked Lover, I did NOT like the book! I’ll say it! I did not like Wicked. (Kinda weird. My first and last posts began with a Wicked song reference and my hatred…)
    I’ve created a list of problems I have with this book. Let’s begin, shall we?

    1) FIYERO!!!!!!
    Why!!!!!???? I loved him in the musical. He was one of my favorite characters even. But in the book, ehh. Thinking about it, he wasn’t some great character who made up for all the other suck in this book. He was an adulterer! (After reading Scarlet Letter and the Crucible, I think we know how bad that is.) What I loved his attitude and the way his character was developed in the play. In the book, there wasn’t that much detail about him in the beginning. In the middle, he had an affair. Uhhhgggg….

    2) All the other characters.
    Like I said in my last post, I hate every character in this book. They all just…Bug me. And I’ve liked books where I’ve hated every character before. But NO! Not this time! I guess I didn’t like this author’s style. Sigh…

    3) Elphaba (Yes, another character….I guess my main problem was with characters…)
    Elphaba…Oh, Elphaba. There were several things I didn’t like about her. I didn’t like her progression into the Wicked Witch of the West (WWW). I didn’t really see it. Another thing was the shoes at the end! The stupid shoes! I don’t see why she wanted those shoes so much! That was one reason I was really excited about reading Wicked. In the Wizard of Oz, the ruby slippers are REALLY important. When I was little a saw the movie I hated it that a witch even had the shoes in the first place. A more recent time I saw it I thought that the WWW wanted them because they were her sister’s, the sentimental reason. But in the book, Elphaba wasn’t that close with her sister. She hated that Nessa talked so much of religion, and they never appeared to be very close.

    4)Does Elphaba come back?!?!
    I’m all for a nice cliff hanger, but really? The author decides to end the book with the same “not yet” as before? Really? I hated Wicked so much that I don’t really want to read Son of a Witch, but I want to know! Does she come back?

    So that’s my list. Not a very long one. Just a couple of the things I hated. But I have one last theme for the book: everything has a good side, and a wicked side. In some cases, the people of Oz saw the good side. Like when they looked at the Wizard. They viewed him as a great man, but he was, in truth, one of the most wicked people in Oz. And in other cases, the people of Oz saw the wicked side. Like when they looked at Elphaba. Although not everything they thought about her was true, some of them were based off of fact. She was trying to take down the Wizard. If both the good and wicked side of people is examined, people can be viewed for what they truly are.

    So, Fellow Wicked Lovers, this is Casey signing off. “For Good.”

  25. Okay so I know that no one is really following the blog any more :( but I'm gonna post one last time.

    Madame Morrible is dead! Good news! She's dead! Yay song reference! Even though no one is gonna read this, I will bring up this interesting point: Elphaba does a good job of explaining of what nature is on page 371: "'What does a dragon in its shell looked like? Well no one can ever tell for as soon as you break the shell to see, the dragon is no longer in its shell. The real disaster of this inquiry is that it is the nature of evel to be secret'" (371-2). I think this is just her way of saying that the nature of evil can never really be discovered because once you find out the true elements of evil, you don't believe its evil anymore.

    I knew the Clock of the Time Dragon would come back. And I knew Yackle was important too. She works with the Clock. And that's why she always seems to be in the right place at the right time. And the Wizard is Elphaba's father!!! :D I thought it was interesting how the Clock told Elphaba this in the book, which was different than the play. And then the Wizard learns that he killed his daughter in the end. Karma. :)

    I thought that it was cool that once Elphaba drank the magical elixar from the green bottle, that she began to dream of the Other World. This Other World is where the Wizard is from. It is the world we exist in today. And the history reference (No Irish Need Apply) made me smile.

    How the story ended confused me. It was definitly different than how everything happened in The Wizard of Oz. Then again, it may have been based off the book rather than the movie. I haven't read the book so I wouldn't know. I agree with Casey that the cliffhanger was annoying. I honestly think that Elphaba won't come back :( but I think it is supposed to have some parallels to that childrens' story. Maybe it is supposed to say something about evil and if it will come back to Oz like the people thought Elphaba brought on the people. If that makes any sense at all.

    So that's all I have. Casey stole the song reference so.....I got nothing. :P
