Friday, December 10, 2010

Next reading :)

Ok so theres really no good place to stop in the next 50 pages, but the section ends on page 222, on which part 4 (in the Vinkus) starts. Any objections to reading until then?


  1. Those of you who have seen the musical: Have you been introduced to any characters in the novel that were not in the play, but you think should have been?

  2. Answering Ms. Kindel's question-I'm pretty sure the Nanny wasn't in the musical, but she is in the novel. I think she plays an important part in the novel because she is the one who basically brought up and cared for Elphaba when she was a child. This is important because Elphaba's own mother didn't have much to do with her growing up; not as much as the Nanny did. Nanny was more Elphaba's mom than Melena was, and I think this should have been represented more in the musical.

  3. One character they should have included was Ama Clutch. In the play, Doctor Dillamond is taken away from the school; he is not murdered. The importance of Ama Clutch is that she “proved” that a greater injustice than taking him away had occurred. The murder shows that people in Oz aren’t just taking away the rights of the Animals, but they are killing them. They are performing an evil act just because they don’t understand. The Animals can think and are just as smart as people. The proof given by Ama Clutch emphasizes this point. Ama Clutch should have been added to show the evils of the people in Oz (mostly the Wizard).

    Another thing I would like to tell you guys is that The Simpsons parodied Wicked in their last episode! It was so cool! I was like, “Not only do I love this musical, but I’m reading the book! I HAVE TO PUT THIS ON THE BLOG!” Anyway, I looked on youtube for a clip but couldn’t find one. As soon as I find one I will. They had flying monkeys AND Glinda’s bubble. Let’s just say it was “Wonderful.”

  4. Oh Casey you are so cute with your Wicked song puns. :) Will you please tell me the name of the episode that the Simpsons parodied Wicked??? I want to try and find it on Hulu or something. :)

    I agree with both Casey and Cheyenne (who actually stole my answer) that Nanny and Ama Clutch deserved roles in the play. I think that if these characters were added, however, the play would have to have the darker mood that the book has instead of the happy playful mood most of the play has.

    Speaking of Ama Clutch (and moving on to this 70 page section of reading), her death was tragic. But it wasn't as tragic as Fiyero's murder at the end of the section. It took me a while to figure out what exactly happened, especially with the schoolgirls' interference with Elphaba's attempted murder of Madame Morrible, but once I did figure it out, I wanted to cry. Fiyero didn't deserve to die! He didn't do anything wrong! Maybe Madame Morrible was behind it. Or maybe the Gale Force saw Fiyero at the scene of Madame Morrible's attempted murder and thought he was part of the rebellion. Fiyero did see them lurking in an alleyway to make sure that nothing happened, and he even said himself that he "guessed he was the more ostentatious figure, striding in his opera cape in the snow a hundred paces behind" (216).

    So I totally got side-tracked in my search for this Simpsons Wicked episode. Curse you Google, you let me down. ANYWAY I'm gonna steal Casey's "copyrighted" word and her knack for using songs in the middle of the posts. So the part about Fiyero and Elphaba's love affair was scandalous! But it's also very adorable. Too bad there is no future for them as a pair with Fiyero's death and all. That was what most likely caused Elphaba to go into that little coma thing described at the end of the section. But where did the blood on her hands come from? Did she go back home to find Fiyero dead and then attempt to clean it up before she ran away? And why does she always run to a church or nunnery or something of the sort? I thought she hated the church…well not exactly hate but had a strong disliking of it and its ideals.

    One very confusing factor here: who the heck is the Yackle character?? She has already been mentioned three times to date and two of them were in this section! The first time she was mentioned by Nanny as the lady who read the tea leaves that predicted Nessa and Elphaba’s greatness; the second time she let Boq, Fiyero and them into the Philosopher’s Club (which I’m guessing was basically a strip club…I didn’t understand that place at ALL!!!); and the third time, she helped Elphaba out after Fiyero’s death but we aren’t exactly sure how. She seems to be an old hermit almost that just happens to be EVERYWHERE. Will she continue to be important? I have no idea.

    Okay this is the last thing I promise: the Wizard has finally been introduced! Yay…? I don’t like him. He knows what he’s doing to the Animals, but why is he doing it? There has to be a good reason. Elphaba still thinks it’s unjust and goes into hiding because of it. I think that she is really dedicated to her beliefs because of her strong reactions that I pointed out earlier to the deaths of Dillamond and the lion cub being brought into the lecture. Fiyero described her as almost a different species of woman and I think that she is exactly that, especially compared to Glinda who came back in this section.

  5. The episode is "Donnie Fatso." (Yes, that IS correct.) The Wicked part was toward the beginning. It totally made my day. And that was pretty hard to do, considering I spilled half a cup of hot coco down my front. How "wonderful."

    P.S. Yes. I used the same reference twice. That's how much I love that song.

  6. I haven't seen the play before so I'm just going to agree with Casey, Cheyenne and Katie. :)

    Okay, Katie, hold up one second. Fiyero is DEAD?? I did not get that at all from reading. Either I had no idea what was going on or misinterpreted that entire part. It seemed to me like we was just attacked by random people. I like your idea of Fiyero's incident (I won't call it death because I refuse to believe it) being the reason why Elphaba went into her little coma thing.

    I'm not sure if I was the only one who noticed this, I'm almost positive I'm not, but holy cow there's a lot of inappropriate things happening in this section! Half of what I read freaked me out a little. It was like okay everyone is going to be doing really gross things, and as a writer I must tell you all about it. I'm sorry Maguire, but I don't need to know all of those things.

    I didn't really get what Madame Morrible wanted the girls to do after Ama Clutch's murder. It seemed like some sort of embassador, but for evil. The weirdest part was her reaction about the Vinkus was weird. She said, "the master plans eradicate any appreciable population in that godforsaken place." Why does she hate those people so much? It doesn't give any explainations in the story.

    Elphaba leaving after seeing the Wizard was unexpected. I didn't think she would leave Glinda and abandon all of her other friends. My theory is that while she was talking with the wizard something that happened there triggered her to make the decision to leave. He wasn't listening to her at all which really bugged her. She also could have run into someone while getting food for Glinda.

    Back to Fiyero. He has a terrible relationship with his wife. If he can stay away from her for that long, and for her to not care, must mean something is wrong. He talks about how being married at such an early age could have something to do with it, but it seems weird. She even telling him he can sleep with her sisters! Who does that?! So very messed up.

    If I talk anymroe it will just be on the verge of ranting so I won't. :)


  7. Okay, here's a few areas you may want to explore (or ignore). The killing of the animals, the general control of society, the struggles of the main characters, is this book an example of distopian literature? Is it a commentary on a time in our history? Is it highlights flaws in our current society?
    Also, for those of you who are really enjoying the book, have you read The Wizard of Oz? If not, you may want to peruse it.

  8. So, I was just reading the book and had an “OHHHHH!” moment. Another character that I think should have been put in the play is Turtle Heart. To me, he seems like a pretty important character, for a couple reasons. 1) I think that he is actually Nessa’s father. That might have changed how the audience views the Frex in the play. In the book, I didn’t like him, but I did feel bad for him because his wife cheated on him twice (and both of his children came from those affairs). In the play, Frex just made me angry. All he cared about was Nessa, and he never cared about Elphaba. If Turtle Heart was included, I might be able to feel some sympathy toward Frex. 2) Frex was one of the first people Elphaba met who was kind to her. At the beginning, when he first met Elphaba, he picked her up. Nanny was only pretending to like her when they first met. 3) He connects to Elphaba/Nessa’s brother. (Who also wasn’t in the play…) Their brother was named after Turtle Heart. This is both “Heart” warming and kind of sad. Frex named his son after the man who was having an affair with his wife.

    To me, Wicked is a commentary about the treatment of minority groups in America. In America’s past, minority groups were discriminated against and treated as inferiors. They were kept from doing certain jobs and even sitting at the front of the bus. In Wicked, the Animals, who are just as capable/smart as people, are also being discriminated against. Dr. Dillamond, for example, is a brilliant biologist, but many questioned his intelligence just because he was a goat.

    As many of you know, one of my favorite Wicked characters is Fiyero. So when I first read his name I was “Dancing through Life.” But I agree with Emily. He has a messed up relationship with his wife. Just the fact that he had a wife surprised me because in the play he didn’t have a wife… Hmmm… AND HE DIED!?!?!?!??!!? (Emily, or anyone who has not seen the play, do not read the next little bit) Does he really die? Like DIE die? No awesome twist like there was in the musical? If so, I am VERY ANNOYED. I think I might need to go see the show again to make myself feel better…

  9. Okay this is a really late comment, and I haven't had time to post in the past couple days, but since I'm home sick today I guess now is a good time to...

    I was seriously confused by this section, especially the end. What exactly happened to Elphaba? I didn't know she went into a coma just that something happened to her. As for Fiyero, he died??!! What on earth?? I knew he was attacked (I got that much) but I didn't realize he died!! Stupid book haha.

    I also agree with Casey on the discrimination on minority groups in the book and in American society. Even today you still see discrimination against people because our society isn't perfect by any means. Discrimination towards minority groups is still shown through discrimination of women even though it is nowhere near as bad as it was in America's past. There will always be a group of people who see others as inferior towards them. It's a problem in our society that always seems to be in our history even now.

    I don't have much else to say about this section, so instead of rambling on about nothing I'm going to stop :)

  10. Hope you feel better Chey! :) Maddie apparently put me in charge of the next two sections since she didn't actually made a post about them. Silly Maddie. Just to let everyone know, the next two sections will take us to page 317 where there is a page break with a six. The line is: "She mooed a last remark--'I hope you choke'--and, tail swishing the flies, she meandered away." I'm not gonna post anything just yet but I'll post later in the weekend when I'm not working on Eudy's research paper. :P

  11. Sorry this is late I typed it on word but then actually forgot to post it. Yeah I agree Casey I definitely think Turtle Heart should have been in the play. He was such a crucial role in understanding the family roles that Elphaba grew up with. I hated Frex in the play because he played favorites with his daughters and completely disregarded Elphaba and the only reason Elphaba was even at Shiz was to watch over Nessarose. Also their connection from her childhood implies that they do have some sort of a relationship now. I think it would have been better to include him and more of Elphaba’s origins to understand why she is the way she is.
    I think that the book is commentary on the prejudices we have in our society whether it be now or in the past it has always been a part of our society. Now though as people are more aware I think some things are being done to prevent discrimination, while in the book the Animals conditions continue to worsen. When Dr. Dillamond makes a breakthrough he is silenced a martyr for his cause that the authority is trying very hard to cover up. It is also a commentary on authority and how propaganda is used to control a society. Animals are being treated horribly yet very few even dare to go against what the Wizard and his counsel agree upon. And really I can’t believe Fiyero dies that is such a big difference to the play. There is no happy ending then like in the play which is a complete twist.

  12. So I know that we are all very busy with Eudy's research paper but I'm gonna post anyway on the next section which is really a double section. I don't like any of the residents of Kiamo Ko. I don't like Sarima or her numbered sisters or her children who are obnoxious and stupid. Especially Manek who almost killed Liir and then was killed by a falling isicle (karma). I like Liir even though he's a bit strange. I mean where the heck did this child come from? There is the possibility that he is Fiyero's son since the magical fish/Carp told him so and then Nanny brings it up when she talks to Elphaba and Elphaba doesn't deny it.

    This book makes me hate a ton of people. I'm almost tempted to copy what Evelyn did on her blog and make a list of people I want to punch in the face (don't worry I promised her that I would cite her if I did do that). Nessarose is really annoying again. Frex is all happy that his daughter has returned to the new state of Munchkinland and Nessa is just like oh I'm so important because I own my own country now and I'm gonna bewitch this ax meaning to maime or seriously injure (someone please get that reference) someone because someone told me to and is gonna trade me Animals for it (and yes annoying Nessa in my mind talks in long run-on sentences).

    Speaking of Animals, I liked that scene with the Elephant. I didn't really understand it though. It was just all of a sudden that Elphaba is now considered a witch. The Elephant and Elphaba have been cursed by the same person and are under the same spell. I'm assuming the enemy they share is the Wizard but could have Madame Morrible been the one to curse them? Hopefully we'll be able to find out. I wonder if the animals Elphaba has with her are any more important than the bees have been. Does anyone else believe that Elphaba ordered the bees to kill the cook? It sounds a bit weird to me but it seems possible especially after what happened when Elphaba rescued Chissery (who is adorable! :) ). I also like how she taught him to speak, bringing Doctor Dillamond and his ideas and theories back into importance, even if all he says is gibberish.

    Okay that's all I got. Can you guys believe that we are almost done with the book and the December project? I still haven't done the second half of the project...and I'm gonna miss this part of it. Maybe we can continue the blog through the rest of the series and then the Wizard of Oz book like Ms. Kindel suggested?

  13. I agree with Katie on not liking the residents of Kiamo Ko, but I do like how the sisters are all into finding a man. It makes it really funny especially whenb you think back to when Fiyero was like yeah my wife told me I could sleep with her sisters but I said nahh. They're probably so pissed about that.

    I would like to point out a fact about the isicle incident that Katie forgot to mention. Elphaba was staring at the isicle before it feel and killed Manek. I think Liir is deffinitely Fiyero and Elphaba's child. It talks about how she starts to get all of these motherly feelings. Plus she doesn't even deny it. She just says maybe possibly. Totally their kid.
    The whole Nessarose thing just bugs me. For somoeone who was so upset that her sister left she seems to be loving her return, or atleast appathetic to it. Plus Frex's whole oh man I'm going to cry thing. He never seemed to like her and now that she's back he's all oh my daughter I missed you blah blah blah. Their whole family is just annoying now. Except Shell. I like him probably because he's barely shown up in the entire story and when he does he's awesome. Also, I always thought of Nanny as their grandmother. Is that not right?

    I really want to know what's going on with those random people who came to Kiamo Ko. They're like hunter/mapmaking/explorer/manly men. Either they're just innocent passer bys or they're up to something. The fact that they have a written paper telling someone that they have to be able to stay at their home is suspicious. I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

    I liked the scene with the Animals after Nessarose trades for them. It's interesting how after so long they jsut decide that the best thing to do is to take everything that is being thrown their way. They don't fight anymore. IT's really sad.


  14. Just so you know I get the reference and I love it. I'm not sure if I mentioned that.
